
How to Choose and Keep a Wife: A Practical Guide for Men (eBook)

Original price was: $11.00.Current price is: $8.99.

How to Choose and Keep a Wife is a much needed and in demand marriage guide for men in a time when marriages are just not working. This book doesn’t aim to fix the problems of women, or the problems with society. Rather, this book gives men a step by step guide on how to properly vet a woman for marriage. It also gives men clear guidance on how to manage being married and staying married. While some might see this book as idealistic, there is something in it for everyone. It tackles the issues of marriage both from an idealistic and pragmatic approach. On the one hand, the author sets forth an ideal but also acknowledges the real likelihood that the ideal will not be accomplished and gives practical advice on how to manoeuvre in less idealistic circumstances. Even though the target audience for this book is single men or men who are married and are having a hard time, it would prove useful for women who are looking at being good wives.



How to Choose and Keep a Wife is a much needed and in demand marriage guide for men in a time when marriages are just not working. This book doesn’t aim to fix the problems of women, or the problems with society. Rather, this book gives men a step by step guide on how to properly vet a woman for marriage. It also gives men clear guidance on how to manage being married and staying married. While some might see this book as idealistic, there is something in it for everyone. It tackles the issues of marriage both from an idealistic and pragmatic approach. On the one hand, the author sets forth an ideal but also acknowledges the real likelihood that the ideal will not be accomplished and gives practical advice on how to manoeuvre in less idealistic circumstances. Even though the target audience for this book is single men or men who are married and are having a hard time, it would prove useful for women who are looking at being good wives.

“Men who believe in egalitarianism make the mistake to treat women as if they are men. They often end up separated and walk away saying they can’t understand what went wrong. “I gave her everything.” Women say they want men who take what they say seriously, but are unable to respect men who look to them for leadership or who treat them as equal. Women want men who they can look up to and whom they deem are their superiors. A wife is a partner who supports your vision and goals. She takes you as her leader and is willing to submit to your authority as the head of your home and family.”

“People don’t get married to get married. Marriage has always been the place in which people have children. A wife is a woman who was raised with the necessary skills to be a good mother. Those skills are typically transferred from her own mother or caregiver. A woman who doesn’t or will not prioritize her children after she has them is not a wife. A man cannot have children with a woman while having to worry that those children will not be looked after properly. Building a home with a wife must come with knowing that that wife is going to keep her husband’s legacy alive through his children and uphold the family name. Having children isn’t merely for the purpose of perpetuating the species but also a means to spread religion, doctrine, civilization, and goodness into the world. The opposite is also true, raising children poorly will cause discord, a breakdown in order, barbarism, and the promotion of all kinds of vices God forbade. ”

“A respectful wife will follow your lead, not go over your head, obey your instructions, and try her best to make life as comfortable as she can for you. Respect isn’t a woman saying, “I respect you.” Respect is in how she treats you. Does she take you as the leader of your family or is she competing with you for that position? Does she attempt to embarrass or reprimand you in public? Does she allow you to come home to a dirty house? Does she expect you to come home hungry only to cook your own food? Such a woman does not respect a man. A woman who respects a man holds him in high regard, is concerned about his well-being and tries to make his life easier. She can be modest outside and chaste, but if she isn’t prepared to add value to your life outside of her body then she can’t be a wife. She was never taught to respect men, and so she’ll never respect you. A man should not tolerate disrespect.”