What does Coach De Bruyns offer?

On this website I offer a wealth of information and articles on relationships, religion, business and health. Ironically, all these matters are normally linked together in the life of the average person. Good relationships often require that the people who engage in them are not so broken that they can’t fulfill a basic standard of reliabiltiy and trust. In order to have good relationships with others, you must first have a good relationship with yourself. On this website you’ll find many free resources and articles towards developing yourself so that you can better your life. After all, our goal is to help everyone become the best version of themselves. It’s not about how well you compare to others, it’s about how well you compare to who you were yesterday. Join our groups and forum or simply subscribe to our website to get regular updates.


  • Weight Loss Coaching
  • Polygyny Coaching
  • Relationship Coaching
  • Guidance Coaching

In addition to the various free resources, I also offer coaching for those willing to spend money on themselves and their futures. Good advice is worth paying for because it will set you on the right track and save you years of trial and error. Eventually, everyone comes to the truth but for some it happens too late in life. Why waste time when you can rely on the wealth and experience of others who specialize in helping people progress and come into being. To this end I offer coaching in weight loss, in relationships, and even in polygyny.


I am also a polygynist with multiple wives and a proponent of traditional values that places family at the center of society, not the individual. I am ready to help you transform if you are ready to work on yourself. In just a few consultations you could go from having little to no direction to being single minded enough to accomplish your goals. Most peope put off what they want, for what feels good right now. The path to success is paved with sacrifice, loneliness, heartache and tribulations. You cannot move forward if you’re not willing to leave things behind. It might be that you will have to leave certain friends, relationships, or even a wife or husband in order to better yourself. It might be that you will have to leave who you thought you were behind so you can become who you want to become.

40 minute session

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $25.00.

In this session we will get know each other and discover how best to help you become the best version of yourself.

24 in stock

As a Life Coach, I have the experience and I did the time so that you don’t have to. I not only lived a big life myself, where I engaged in many escapades of various types, but I also shared in the lives of others who taught me valuable life lessons. Experience with people teaches us that while everyone is unique, we all share very similar challenges. Having dealt with such challenges both personally and through the people I’ve counselled I understand that there is crisis in the world of interpersonal relationships and finding direction in life. We have, in modern times, lost the identity of tribe, extended families and even nuclear families. We struggle to find our meaningful place. We ask questions like, “Do I even matter to anyone?” Why not reach out, and let me help you?

Buy my latest book!

Finally, if you are looking for a spouse we recently added a match making service that we are busy growing. This is not a no strings attached hookup service but rather in the interest of pursuing long-term relationships that will actually flourish where people share common interests and life goals. We also include polygynous marriage services and advice for those so inclined. Do enjoy the content and make sure to SUBSCRIBE.



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