I Burn

Do you remember the time you bumped your head? Confidence and stupidity seemingly have a lot in common. I remember watching my kid running along the edge of a huge staircase that led into our tidal pool. I call it ‘ours’ because most days we were the only people there. When you are five minutes […]

Why Exercise?

Everyone pretty much knows that exercise is important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Few people, however, know that it is also important for your mental and spiritual well-being. Don’t know where to start with doing physical exercise? Why not start by doing my morning strength and flexibility routine. It’s only 13 minutes long and it […]

Disgruntled Guys

I’ve spent the last few years of my life listening to disgruntled guys. “Women are the problem,” they say. The Youtube gurus are at it on the various MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) channels, MRA’s are blaming feminism and those who aren’t saying much are enjoying the abundance of a deregulated sexual market place- […]



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