The world we live in is not like the world our parents lived in. We have the internet, social media, YouTube and so many other things we can spend a lot of our time on. Some people report spending in excess of six hours a day on their phones. Those aren’t six hours of being […]
A person once told me, “Ambition is what kills you. You are never contented with what you have…” I thought about that for a while. It was true that I was always trying to improve my life, and I was never ‘satisfied’ with what I have. It was never good enough. I always wanted the […]
I’ve met with scores of people over the years, either running their own businesses or starting up. I had that rare privilege because I owned the local Internet cafe in my little village called Strandfontein. ‘Strand’ means beach in Afrikaans and many places ended with ‘fontein’ at the end to represent ‘village/ spring.’ I also […]
I’ve seen a few good friends of mine battle with losing weight. I’ve coached some of them into losing weight through exercise and diet only to find that several months after reaching their weight goals they’ve returned back to their old habits. One of the biggest problems with being overweight is not being able to […]
I watched a video from the movie ‘My Fair Lady’ made in 1964. Naturally that was before the world grew wiser and ‘toxic masculinity’ became a go to phrase. I added the video in this blog. “Why can’t a woman be more like man?” An interesting question indeed. In fact, it’s probably at the heart […]
When beliefs are mentioned religion often comes to mind. What do you believe? Think about that for a minute… Some people might reply, “Well, I believe in God.” Others might respond, “I’m not sure what I believe.” I’ve heard people say, “I believe in freedom.” There’s really no right way to believe. I know that […]
Money is a strange thing. People do a lot for money. Some people will do anything for money. In some circles they believe that everyone has a price. The most dangerous person, according to those guys, is someone who doesn’t. Then there’s those righteous folks who go around saying, “money is the root to all […]
I was walking down the street deep in thought. That’s my normal state of affairs. I’m always deep in thought. I’ve struggled with being fully present most of my life, because I often get lost in the world ideas. On one such day, looking down as usual, a kid looked up at me and shot […]
There’s this idea that everyone has a calling. When you do what you’re really supposed to do, somehow you’ll feel fulfilled in life. In fact, everything will just fall into place for you. I’ve heard that story over and over, and truthfully, I don’t buy it. I don’t buy it because as much as it […]
I remember when I was around 10 years old and crazy about Karate. All the other kids would play soccer, rugby and cricket while I would practice my kicks day in and day out. Occasionally, I would also join them in playing some of the regular sports. I even tried out for the soccer team […]