The Life Within

There are days when everything seems to be going wrong. Sometimes it feels like life is spinning out of control and you don’t know whether you’re coming or going. Chaos isn’t something you can predict, except maybe that it’s bound to visit you now and again. Even the most organized of people get thrown wild […]

Pleasure Seeking

When I was growing up I veered towards asceticism and had this idea that seeking pleasure was spiritually damning. I got that idea, not only from Islamic asceticism but also from my reading of the Far-Eastern Traditions. My journey into Martial Arts led me down the rabbit role of spiritualism and for many years I […]

Core Beliefs

When beliefs are mentioned religion often comes to mind. What do you believe? Think about that for a minute… Some people might reply, “Well, I believe in God.” Others might respond, “I’m not sure what I believe.” I’ve heard people say, “I believe in freedom.” There’s really no right way to believe. I know that […]


I was walking down the street deep in thought. That’s my normal state of affairs. I’m always deep in thought. I’ve struggled with being fully present most of my life, because I often get lost in the world ideas. On one such day, looking down as usual, a kid looked up at me and shot […]



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