Male Attention is a Drug

Male attention is more than just a guy showing some interest in a woman. Male attention is addictive, and most women will do almost anything to get it. Almost everything a woman does is for the benefit of men, even though most women will never admit that. She might say that she dresses provocatively for […]

Muslim Marriage Vows

People asked me what the default marriage vows would be for a Muslim marriage. I decided to draw it up here. You can use this when you get married so that you can understand what the rights and obligations are towards your spouse. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious the Most Merciful. I, […]

It is what it is

WINNERS AND LOSERS There is a trend to want to establish a world where there are no losers. If there are no losers, there are no winners. By definition if there is a winner that means someone has lost. If we change the rules of the game such that no one can win, we’ll discover […]


COACH DE BRUYN’S PHILOSOPHY IN A NUTSHELL BOOKS PUBLISHED BY AUTHOR Live Your Life as a Man: Reclaim Your Masculinity This book is meant to help men live their lives authentically. There is a crisis of masculinity in the world and very few people out there have a balanced solution to the problem. This book […]



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