My First Fiction

Chapter 1 Who am I Am I a loser?  Hi I’m Jack Higgins. I’m going to tell you my story of how I met the girl of my dreams and… FROZE. Well, yeah, at first I froze, then I sulked. After sulking, I gained some extra weight. But before we get into all that, let […]

Training in Ramadan

هل تريدين التدريب البدني في رمضان؟ انضموا إليّ وأنا أعطي لكم كيف أتدرب في رمضان The first thing you must remember is that Ramadan is the month where we dedicate more of our time to worshipping Allah and less of our time on things we would normally do. Therefore, even if you want to keep […]


It’s 6am in the morning. I’m still plugged in. I open my eyes, of course I don’t really need them because I can see with images being fed directly into my mind through my new neurolink v6, by SaceX. Everything is crystal clear with my Oculus 12 headset. I tell my headset with my mind […]



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