What is Marriage?

Is marriage a one size fits all? Must it be that a man provides for a woman who is the homemaker? Or can marriage assume various formats? Must it be monogamous, or can it also be polygynous or polyamorous? At which point is it no longer considered marriage? In this essay I will deconstruct the […]

Patriarchy and Marriage

A real Christian and Muslim can only marry women from patriarchy as wives becuase it is ordinarily a requirement for a virgin woman to be given in marriage by her male guardian who is typically her father or grandfather. The idea that a woman is “given away” shows that marriage is a patriarchal institution. On […]

All I See is You

I recently watched the movie, “All I See is You” where this blind woman is the wife of an insurance broker residing in Thailand. I thought this movie would make excellent Red Pill content because it lines up with all the teachings of the Red Pill Movement that has found currency over the past few […]

Male Attention is a Drug

Male attention is more than just a guy showing some interest in a woman. Male attention is addictive, and most women will do almost anything to get it. Almost everything a woman does is for the benefit of men, even though most women will never admit that. She might say that she dresses provocatively for […]



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